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 Conversation Class (part I)

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Join date : 2011-09-19

Conversation Class (part I) Empty
PostSubject: Conversation Class (part I)   Conversation Class (part I) Icon_minitimeSun Oct 02, 2011 7:14 pm

Conversation Class

Friday (23/9),MBEC (Mercu Buana English Club) was held a conversation class for all MBEC Lovers. The conversation class was a regular program of MBEC, Conversation class was very important to practice smoothness and proficiency in speaking English, especially for all MBEC Lovers. Not only about it, he conversation class was expected to grow excellent seeds for Public Speaker, even newscaster, storyteller or debater who will follow the competition newscasting, storytelling or debate in internal and external campus.

Conversation class was held on every Friday , started from 1.00 to 3.00 pm at room T- 404. with Mr. Nathan. Mr. Nathan or Nath's conversation class coach who came from United States, New York and he's also a lecturer at University of Indonesia. Conversation class had a few rules that must be followed by all people who involved within, they are:
• Do not speak Indonesia
• Do not speak Indonesia
• Just call him Nateh, no Mr. or Sir
• No lying
So, we should use fully in speaking English. Don't be afraid if your grammar's not good because it could still be improved and increased. Smile

At the beginning of meeting , we discussed about introduction. We made groups, and one group was consisted of 2 to 3 persons and introduced each other friend started from name, faculty/Major, what's their dream and what's their fear. After that, we and Nath discussed all about material that would be discussed in next week . the situation was really fun because Nath very excited to guide us and we wished that we could win various competitions in internal and external campus.

So prepare for u self for discussing on the next week…. Conversation Class (part I) 2354740358 Conversation Class (part I) 2811179292
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MBEC Lover

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PostSubject: Re: Conversation Class (part I)   Conversation Class (part I) Icon_minitimeMon Oct 03, 2011 1:44 pm

pratiwi wrote:
Conversation Class

Friday (23/9),MBEC (Mercu Buana English Club) was held a conversation class for all MBEC Lovers. The conversation class was a regular program of MBEC, Conversation class was very important to practice smoothness and proficiency in speaking English, especially for all MBEC Lovers. Not only about it, he conversation class was expected to grow excellent seeds for Public Speaker, even newscaster, storyteller or debater who will follow the competition newscasting, storytelling or debate in internal and external campus.

Conversation class was held on every Friday , started from 1.00 to 3.00 pm at room T- 404. with Mr. Nathan. Mr. Nathan or Nath's conversation class coach who came from United States, New York and he's also a lecturer at University of Indonesia. Conversation class had a few rules that must be followed by all people who involved within, they are:
• Do not speak Indonesia
• Do not speak Indonesia
• Just call him Nateh, no Mr. or Sir
• No lying
So, we should use fully in speaking English. Don't be afraid if your grammar's not good because it could still be improved and increased. Smile

At the beginning of meeting , we discussed about introduction. We made groups, and one group was consisted of 2 to 3 persons and introduced each other friend started from name, faculty/Major, what's their dream and what's their fear. After that, we and Nath discussed all about material that would be discussed in next week . the situation was really fun because Nath very excited to guide us and we wished that we could win various competitions in internal and external campus.

So prepare for u self for discussing on the next week…. Conversation Class (part I) 2354740358 Conversation Class (part I) 2811179292

lets be brave to speak english, don't be afraid to be wrong Conversation Class (part I) 3250677235 Conversation Class (part I) 3250677235 Conversation Class (part I) 3250677235
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Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-09-19

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PostSubject: Re: Conversation Class (part I)   Conversation Class (part I) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 21, 2011 4:00 pm

annisa.aryani wrote:
pratiwi wrote:
Conversation Class

Friday (23/9),MBEC (Mercu Buana English Club) was held a conversation class for all MBEC Lovers. The conversation class was a regular program of MBEC, Conversation class was very important to practice smoothness and proficiency in speaking English, especially for all MBEC Lovers. Not only about it, he conversation class was expected to grow excellent seeds for Public Speaker, even newscaster, storyteller or debater who will follow the competition newscasting, storytelling or debate in internal and external campus.

Conversation class was held on every Friday , started from 1.00 to 3.00 pm at room T- 404. with Mr. Nathan. Mr. Nathan or Nath's conversation class coach who came from United States, New York and he's also a lecturer at University of Indonesia. Conversation class had a few rules that must be followed by all people who involved within, they are:
• Do not speak Indonesia
• Do not speak Indonesia
• Just call him Nateh, no Mr. or Sir
• No lying
So, we should use fully in speaking English. Don't be afraid if your grammar's not good because it could still be improved and increased. Smile

At the beginning of meeting , we discussed about introduction. We made groups, and one group was consisted of 2 to 3 persons and introduced each other friend started from name, faculty/Major, what's their dream and what's their fear. After that, we and Nath discussed all about material that would be discussed in next week . the situation was really fun because Nath very excited to guide us and we wished that we could win various competitions in internal and external campus.

So prepare for u self for discussing on the next week…. Conversation Class (part I) 2354740358 Conversation Class (part I) 2811179292

lets be brave to speak english, don't be afraid to be wrong Conversation Class (part I) 3250677235 Conversation Class (part I) 3250677235 Conversation Class (part I) 3250677235

yups i agree with u sist dance 2 Conversation Class (part I) 3637272247 Conversation Class (part I) 3637272247
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Deniez Hitsmaker
Deniez Hitsmaker

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Location : Cipondoh, Tangerang

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PostSubject: Re: Conversation Class (part I)   Conversation Class (part I) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 21, 2011 11:03 pm

hmm,,, great... :p

pale dance pale dance
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Eko Tama Putra Saratian
MBEC Lover
Eko Tama Putra Saratian

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PostSubject: Re: Conversation Class (part I)   Conversation Class (part I) Icon_minitimeTue Oct 25, 2011 8:17 pm

let's support a new brand of MBEC..

Conversation Class (part I) 3626002203 Conversation Class (part I) 3626002203 Conversation Class (part I) 3626002203
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Posts : 120
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PostSubject: Re: Conversation Class (part I)   Conversation Class (part I) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 28, 2011 11:06 pm

Eko Tama Putra Saratian wrote:
let's support a new brand of MBEC..

Conversation Class (part I) 3626002203 Conversation Class (part I) 3626002203 Conversation Class (part I) 3626002203
goyang goyang goyang
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PostSubject: Re: Conversation Class (part I)   Conversation Class (part I) Icon_minitime

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